This page was designed back when Von Dutch was a thriving kustom kulture clothing and accessory brand. Those days are long gone. What follows are some original posts. Consider them placeholders for now, only slightly better than "lorem ipsum".
from the archives:
Del Mar Mile 10/5-6
race news http://www.dirttrack.com/news/news_021006.asp
Von Dutch was well represented at the Del Mar Mile. Not only was the Von Dutch custom knucklehead on display at the Chica Choppers space, there was a Von dutch sponsored champion motocross jumper! And Von Dutch gear could be had at the open air market in front of the awesome Del Mar grandstands.
The event was attended by all kinds of riders (and hot rodders, too). It was good to see the
Von Dutch designs popular with all the race fans. That's livin' proof,
"cool never dies"
San diego 11/22 Quallcom Stadium: featuring nostalgia Top Fuel cars!
Long Beach 12/1 Veteran's Stadium. A wet day, but still a good turn out.
Pomona 12/8 Los Angeles County Fairgrounds. A cold (for So. California) morning didn't keep the diehards away and there was a late crowd that kept goin til after 2!
Next Show: On holiday , for now.
Happy Holidays!
see you in '03!